QB Series "Kingfisher" 6hp.
This very late model Kingfisher, 1993 is actually badges as a Seagull 6!
These are scans of original (and rare) brochures and leaflets, they are full of
useful information. To keep the loading time to a minimum, I have reproduced
them below in a small format. Where text needs to be readable, just click where instructed
and you will get a large (readable) version of this area -this may take some time to open.
QB SERIES Leaflet (front and back)
These three nice pics of an early Kingfisher were kindly sent in by Charles Leith.
The two pages above are taken from a 1980's leaflet sent to me by Greg Taylor of Queensland Australia. Thanks Greg!
It shows the Gulls they built at that time, 3 QB models and the Forty series only.