I.D. Letters.

With apologies for the poor quality, we have reproduced this list directly from the original manuals. As this is an important source of information we hope you find it useful. As an added feature I have retyped a table supplied by Ian Talmage, based on the original info, I hope it might be easier to read and maybe have extra info available. When I am satisfied all my gremlins are out of it and I have added as much as I can, I might delete the first one, but at the moment I leave both, as the first one came direct from the horses mouth, so to speak, British Seagull.

Scan right down to the bottom of the page for the latest edition. I think these tables are about as correct as I can get them, I will remove the originals at some time, when I'm sure!

John SOS


In 1980 Electronic ignitions were installed, engines having the E prefix from that date.

In the numbers below, for early years, some of the numbers do not appear to make sense. For instance in 1933 the numbers appear to run backwards, or should 300 be 800?

In 1934 the Super model OF the use of a ')' symbol appears. As I have seen this motor and it has the number 'O' instead, it looks as if a typist simply pressed the ')' instead of the '0', by hitting shift at the same time. The use of the number '0' in all the previous models tends to bear this out. There may well be other typo's in these numbers, but they are as good as it gets folks!

I have just had a little snippet from Charles Palfreeman in Poole. his research has added another letter to a few of the motors. August 06.

The FVP and FV motors had the factory option for a while, of a lifting or pivoting tiller. the engine was suffixed with a 'T' and a bent bracket fixed to the crankcase, to pivot the tiller on. the for runner to the casting! Well Found Charles. I have checked and yes, the two I have confirm it!

The Little Forty models.. There is the model LM missing from the letter codes, fore runner to the SJM I believe. See the Little Forty's page for more. March 2007, I have had it confirmed that the 'F' did exist, I have seen one, thanks to Mike Williams for showing it to me!

The use of the letter 'W' in the dating codes.

For a long time I suspected it was not a 'W' but in fact an inverted 'M', and yes I have seen a few, but new light has dawned, from Frank Arnold. It seems they did in the early 1970's fit a number of 102's with 'Wipac' ignitions and they had the letter 'W' added with the year... they did not do it for long as it was not a very useful exercise, after all you could see the darn thing had a wipac if you looked at it and you did not know what month it was built... I have found several of these now and had a dozen or more reported to me, but recently I turned up another upside down 'M' so you have to look carefuly!

The Marston Seagulls start here:-


Below the letters and numbers for the Little Forty models. the 'F' was used, have seen one now and also there was an 'LM'.

indentification3 identification indentification5 indentification4

Below is the updated list.

My grateful thanks to Ian for the time taken in sorting this out and donating it to the site for all to read.

John SOS

Engine - Letter Code - for Month/Year Manufactured

Model Identification - Month & Year Defined

From 1963 a letter and number code is used at the end of the engine number to denote the month and year of manufacture.

The letter indicates the month and the number the year of manufacture, i.e. A3 = January 1963, B3 = February 1963, etc., and M3 = December 1963 (the letter L is not used in this code sequence).

From 1973 two letters were used in the code to indicate the month, i.e. AA3 = January 1973, BB3 = February 1973, and MM3 = December 1973. Therefore identification of a model and date of manufacture can be found as follows: WSPCL 1734 BB3.

WSPCL indicates this is a long shaft Silver Century Plus. 1734 is the production number and BB3 indicates that it was manufactured in February 1973.

1963 to 1972 1973 to 1982
Letter Month Letter Month
A January AA January
B February BB February
C March CC March
D April DD April
E May EE May
F June FF June
G July GG July
H August HH August
J September JJ September
K October KK October
M November MM November
N December NN December

The above table is still not 100% as the letters N were not used every year, December being M, so one can assume another letter was used somewhere. As it was not supposed to be 'L', that only leaves 'I'. However I have never seen one stamped with 'I' or 'II', looks too much like a numeral.... Need to look through a few hundred crankcases to figure this one out....


Model Identification - Letter Definitions

Some of the letters in the engine lettering code stand for different parts of the particular models. Below is a list of some of the letter meanings:

Letter Meaning
A Amal 400 series Carb
E Electronic Ignition Wipac Mk3 or 4
G Bing Carb
L Long Shaft. This letter code was added after all the engine number pre ’63 and as a suffix to the code letters after ’63.
R Reconditioned. used as a suffix. There is no record of when some engines were factory reconditioned, others seem to have the year code after the ‘R’
S Silver models/ Sealed Gearbox (90 grade Oil)
W used on some motors as a suffix to denote Wipac ignition fitted. Notably 102 models
T Twist Grip fitted at factory. Could be retro-fitted on many models
T As a suffix on the early FV and FVP for Tiller on bracket!

Engine - Letter Code - for Early Models, including the Marston Seagulls.

Year Manufactured Engine Lettering Code Engine No. Engine Size (cc) /Name Series
1931 OA 1 78 Standard
1933 OA 387/300? 78 Standard
1934 OA 800/868? 78 Standard
1934 OA 483/0/200 78 Standard
1934 OE 513/0/1001 78 Hi Duty
1934 OF 511/0/501 78 Super: Neutral & Reverse
1935 OA 483/4/200 78 Standard
1935 OE 513/3/1047 78 Hi Duty
1935 OF 511/3/500 78 Super: Neutral & Reverse
1935 OG 533/0/100 102 Super: Neutral & Reverse
1935 OH 534/0/101 102 High Power: Neutral & Reverse
1936 OK 552/0/101 102 Super: Neutral & Reverse
1933 OB     Few models made for Salmon Fisheries
1936 OJ 551/0/101 102 Short Water Jacket - Direct Drive
1937-41 OP 101 102 Short Water Jacket - Direct Drive
1937-41 ON 101 102 Short Water Jacket - Clutch Drive
1942 SN 1 102 Short Water Jacket - Clutch Drive
1942 SNP 1 102 Short Water Jacket - Direct Drive
1942-46 SD   102 Short Water Jacket - Clutch Drive
1942-46 SDP   102 Short Water Jacket - Direct Drive
1946 HSD   102 Plus Short Water Jacket - Clutch Drive
1946 HC   102 Plus Long Water Jacket - Clutch Drive
1946 C   102 Long Water Jacket - Clutch Drive
1946 D   102 Long Water Jacket - Direct Drive
1946-47 AC  102 Long Water Jacket - Clutch Drive
1946 AHC   102 Plus Long Water Jacket - Clutch Drive
1946-47 AD   102 Long Water Jacket - Direct Drive
  ED   102 Direct Drive
  EC   102 Direct Drive
  EHC   102 Plus Clutch Drive

The question Marks mean the numbers either were missing or do not make sense. For instance the 1933 engine numbers seem to indicate just a few motors were made, or is the 3 really an 8? Which would make sense. However what happened to 1932? Lumped in with 1933 maybe? No one will tell me, no one seems to know. I hope shortly to get a definitive list of Early British Seagull Models, from the first Model 'A' to the first British Seagull 102's. I will create a special page just for the Marstons and transfer all the info on them to it. As far as we can gather, from the motors surviving, not many were indeed made, maybe as few as 1,000. John

The 1949 to 50's Model 'F' was doubted for a while, but in March 2007 I had pics of one sent in by Mike Williams. I was right not to doubt the British Seagull info! John

Year Manufactured Engine Lettering Code Engine No
The ‘Little Forty’ Series    
1949-50 F 100
1949-50 VF 1325
1950-51 F 1326
1950-51 FV 4342
1951-52 FV 4343
1951-52 FVP 8042
1952-53 FVP 8042
1952-53 FV 11364
1953-54 FV 11365
1953-54 LS 17828
T As a suffix On the FV and FVP for 'Tiller on bracket'! (As opposed to fixed tiller on crankcase.) Well done Charles Palfreeman for researching this snippet.
The LM model This is missing from the tables? Not sure why it does not appear, but it appears to have run alongside the LS...
The later ‘Forty’ series and some ‘Little Forty models.    
1954-55 LS 17829
1954-55 LS 27084
1955-56 LS 27085
1955-56 LS 35003
1955-56 SJM 10
1955-56 SJP 586L
1956-57 LS 35004
1956-57 LS 38324
(The LS was made till the end of 1957) (In my little collection I now have acquired SJP 1 from 1955 Awaits restoration!)  
1956-57 SJP 587
1956-57 SJM 3903
1957-58 LS 38325
1957-58 LS 38344
1957-58 SJM 3904
1957-58 SJP 9772
1958-59 SJP 9773
1958-59 SJP 15997
1959-60 SJP 15998
1959-60 SJP 23561
1960-61 SJP 23562
1960-61 SJP 32604
1961-62 SJP 32605
1961-62 SJM 39823
1962-63 SJP 39824
1962-63 SJP 56054

Throughout the years above various codes were used during each year, ie F, FV, FVP, LM, LS, SJM, SJP. The years codes start with the first motor of whatever sort, that was made. Obviously the FV and FVP ceased in about 1953, the LS in !957. Strangely the LS and the SJP overlapped for 2 years.. but then the 102 production went on till 1977, alongside the Centuries....

Year Manufactured Engine Lettering Code Engine No
1956-57 LLS 1200
1956-57 LLS 2410 L
1957-58 LLS 2411
1957-58 LLS 5933
1958-59 CP 5934
1958-59 LLS 9987
1959-60 LLS 9988
1959-60 LLS 14438 L
1960-61 LLS 14439
1960-61 LLS 22094
1961-62 LLS 22095 L
1961-62 LLS 29368
1962-63 CP 29369 L
1962-63 CPC 35548 L

Throughout the years above all the codes were used each year, ie LLS, CP, CPC. The years codes start with the first motor of whatever sort, that was made.

Somehow the following table became very confused. Ian has given me a template here in which to hang the numbers, but sadly mine were all muddled, I have redone this table several times. Hopefully it is now correct. The Model codes AC AD, TD, TC, etc, all seemed to run together. Whichever motor type was the first out of the factory in any year, is the code seen as the start number and code for the year. The numbers just keep on adding up as the years go by, till they were getting unwieldy, thus the introduction of the date system in 1963. Recently research by others has revealed all sorts of anomalies that I had wondered about. Seems British Seagulls made quite a lot of other motors that did not appear in the official lists. We are slowly getting more info on them, but of course it is conflicting.... John

Year Manufactured Starts with Eng No. Ends with Eng No.
1945-46 SD11484 L SDP 12263
1946-47 SDP12264 AC694
1947-48 AC695 AC4000
1948-49 AD4001 AC8204
1949-50 AD8205 AD12866
1950-51 AC12867 AC20340
1951-52 AHC20341 AD26920
1952-53 AD26921 AD32585
1953-54 AC32586 AD37815
1954-55 AD37816 AC43350 L
1955-56 AC43351 L AC49253
1956-57 AC49254 TD55203
1957-58 TD55204 TC60415
1958-59 TC60416 TC65216
1959-60 TC65217 THC71069 L
1960-61 THC71070 TD77178 L
1961-62 TD77179 L TD81365
1962-63 TD81366 TD85043

(The Model 102 carried on in production till 1977 at least, I have proof that they were making 'one off batches' into the 1980's, with electronic ignitions! when I sort all those numbers, I will add them.) 'EDL'was one of the numbers found

Year Manufactured Engine Lettering Code Model Series
1955-67 SJM Forty Minus
1967-76 F Forty Featherweight
1977-78 GF Forty Featherweight/Bing Carb
1978-79 FS Forty Featherweight
1978-79 GFS Forty Featherweight/Bing Carb
1979-84 EFS Forty Featherweight/Model 45
1956-67 SJP Forty Plus
1967-79 FP Forty Plus Mark II
1976-79 GFP Forty Plus Mark II
1978-79 FPC Forty Plus clutch drive
1978-79 GFPC Forty Plus clutch drive
Bing Carb
1979-89 EFPC Forty Plus clutch drive/ Model 55
For a couple of years the G prefix denoted the Bing Carb, instead of the more normal Villiers, I have heard conflicting reasons for this, suffice to say they went back to Villiers till they replace it with the Amal 416, motors had an 'A' prefix then!


Year Manufactured Engine Lettering Code Model Series
1956-67 LLS Century 100
1967-73 W Century 100
1957-67 CP Century Plus fixed drive
1967-69 WP Century Plus fixed drive
1959-67 CPC Century Plus clutch drive
1967-73 WPC Century Plus clutch drive
The Villiers Carb was used on all the models above. the same carb on 102 cc and 64cc, no difference? How that works no one has ever explained, but it does make it easier to swop carbs about! John


Year Manufactured Engine Lettering Code Model Series
1966-69 S Silver Century  
1969-79 WS Silver Century  
1978-79 WSC Silver Century clutch drive
1979-* ESC Silver Century clutch drive/ Model 75
1966-69 SP Silver Century Plus fixed drive
1966-69 SPC Silver Century Plus clutch drive
1969-79 WSPC Silver Century Plus clutch drive
1979-* ESPC Silver Century Plus clutch drive/ Model 80/
1979-1996 EFNR Silver Century Model 110/ Model 90
* Current production models (as of 1989?) Some of these models carried on till the early 1990's, the EFNR till the end in 1996.

The Amal 416 carb was used on some WSC and WSPC models, all ESC, ESPC and EFNR models. john


Year Manufactured Engine Lettering Code Model Series
1946-56 AC 102 clutch drive
1956-66 TC 102 clutch drive
1967-73 WC 102 clutch drive
1946-56 AD 102 fixed drive
1956-67 TD 102 fixed drive
1967-73 WD 102 fixed drive
1946-56 AHC 102 Plus - clutch standard
1956-67 THC 102 Plus - clutch standard
1967-73 WHC 102 Plus - clutch standard
 The 102 used the Amal 2 jet carb exclusively. However, the replacement if it failed, in later years, was the 416, so some may have been changed. Strangely enough that carb will run reasonably happily on 10:1, which older, pre 1968, motors should run on. John


Year Manufactured Engine Lettering Code Model Series Gear Oil
1983 to date GEF Forty Featherweight/Bing carb SAE140
  AF Forty Featherweight/Amal 416 SAE140
  EF Forty Featherweight/Villiers carb ('E' for Electronic ignition, CD) SAE140
  SEF Forty Featherweight/sealed box SAE140? 90 if box sealed
  TSEF Forty Featherweight/Twistgrip/sealed box. SAE140? 90 if box sealed
  AFPW Forty Plus - direct drive/Amal 416 SAE140
  EFPW Forty Plus - direct drive/CD ign. SAE140
  EFPC Forty Plus - clutch drive/CD ign. SAE 90
  SEFPC Forty Plus - clutch drive/CD ign./sealed box SAE 90
  TSEFPC Forty Plus - clutch drive/ Twistgrip/CD ign/sealed box SAE 90
  ESC 75 CD ign/clutch SAE 90
  ESCL 75 ditto SAE 90
  EFNR 90 FNR box/CD ign SAE 90
  EFNRL 90 ditto SAE 90
  CS Curlew Clutch/CD ign/sealed box SAE 90
  CL Curlew ditto SAE 90
  CST Curlew ditto plus Twistgrip SAE 90
  CSTL Curlew ditto SAE 90
  OS Osprey CD ign/FNR SAE 90
  OL Osprey ditto SAE 90
  OSR Osprey ditto/Roller bearing big end SAE 90
  OLR Osprey ditto/roller bearing big end SAE 90
  TOS Osprey CD ign/ FNR/Twistgrip SAE 90
  TOL Osprey ditto SAE 90
  K Kingfisher CD ign/FNR SAE 90
  KS Kingfisher ditto SAE 90
  KL Kingfisher ditto SAE 90
  KSR Kingfisher CD ign FNR/Roller big end SAE 90
  KLR Kingfisher ditto SAE 90
  TKS Kingfisher Twistgrip/CD ign/FNR SAE 90
  TKL Kingfisher ditto SAE 90
Note a 'L' after the lettering part of the sequence denotes a long shaft model. 7 = 1987, 8 = 1988, 9 = 1989, 0 = 1990, 1 = 1991, etc.

Sealed box British Seagulls can be recognised by an extra screw in the gear box casing just above the top gearbox cap screw. This screw secures the bearing assembly.

Year Manufactured Engine Lettering Code Model Series HP*
1979-84 EFS Forty Featherweight/CD ign 1-2
1984-85 AF Forty Featherweight/Amal carb/CD ign 1-2
1985-89 EF Forty Featherweight/CD ign 1-2
1989-90 SEF Forty Featherweight/Sealed box/CD ign 1-2
1990- TSEF Forty Featherweight/Twistgrip/CD ign/sealed box 1-2
1983-84 AFPW Forty Plus - direct drive/Amal carb/CD ign. 2-3
1983-88 EFPW Forty Plus - direct drive/CD ign 2-3
1979-89 EFPC Forty Plus - clutch drive/CD ign 2-3
1989-90 SEFPC Forty Plus - clutch drive/sealed box/CD ign 2-3
1990- TSEFPC Forty Plus - clutch drive/Twistgrip/sealed box/CD ign 2-3
1979-90 ESC 75 Clutch/CD ign/sealed box 4
1979-91 EFNR 90 FNR/CD ign/sealed box 5
1987-90 C Curlew Clutch/CD ign/sealed box 4
1987-90 CS Curlew ditto 4
1990-93 TCS Curlew ditto plus twistgrip 4
1987-90 O Osprey FNR/CD ign sealed box 5
1987-90 OS Osprey ditto 5
1990-92 OSR Osprey ditto but roller big end 5
1987-90 K Kingfisher FNR/CD ign sealed box 6
1987-90 KS Kingfisher ditto 6
1990-93 KSR Kingfisher ditto but roller big end 6
1982-87 EN 170 FNR/CD ign/Sealed box/weak big end! (Approx 7.5)
1984-86 ENC 125 Clutch/CD ign/sealed box/weak big end! ?
*HP represent the manufacturers HP model number. Since British Seagulls are rated in foot pounds the actual horse power rating may not be entirely accurate to the numbers listed. (33 foot pounds = 1 HP) Sealed box British Seagulls can be recognised by an extra screw in the gear box casing just above the top gearbox cap screw. This screw secures the bearing assembly. I have spent hours adding to this table, but if you can see one I have missed, please contact me! Note! The Hp ratings are very approximate! Later investigations proved they were wildly inaccurate, and the thrust at the prop became more important and was the figure used to denote models, ie the Featherweight become the 45, the EFNR the 90. John, SOS Note a 'L' after the lettering part of the sequence denotes a long shaft model. 7 = 1987, 8 = 1988, etc.

Below is a table featuring the Forty and Century models, with hp, approx and type of gearbox oil. this must be used with caution as there is no guarantee that your British Seagull has not been altered over the years...

Give away for the sealed gearboxes is an extra screw just above the cap screws, this secures the bevel bearing and seal.

Year Manufactured Engine Lettering Code Model Series HP Ignition Gear Oil
1955 to 1967 SJM Forty Minus 1-2 Mk 1 SAE 140
1967 to 1976 F Forty Featherweight 1-2 Mk 2 SAE 140
1977 to 1978 GF Forty Featherweight 1-2 Mk 2 SAE 140
1978 to 1979 FS Forty Featherweight 1-2 Mk 2 SAE 90
1978 to 1979 GFS Forty Featherweight 1-2 Mk 2 SAE 90
1979 to * EFS Forty Featherweight 1-2 Mk 3 SAE 90
1982 to 1984 EGF 45   1-2 Mk 3 SAE 90
1984 to 1985 AF 45   1-2 Mk 3 SAE 90
1985 to * EF 45   1-2 Mk 3 SAE 90
1989 to 1990 SEF 45   1-2   SAE 90
1990 to * TSEF 45   1-2   SAE 90
* Current production models (as of 1989?) Some of these models carried on till the early 1990's, the EFNR till the end in 1996.


Year Manufactured Engine Lettering Code Model Series HP Ignition Gear Oil
1956 to 1967 SJP Forty Plus 2-3 Mk 1 SAE 140
1967 to 1979 FP Forty Plus 2-3 Mk 2 SAE 140
1976 to 1979 GFP Forty Plus 2-3 Mk 2 SAE 140
1983 to * EFPW 60   2-3 Mk 3 SAE 90
1983 to 1984 EGFPW 60   2-3 Mk 3 SAE 90
1978 to 1979 FPC Forty Plus - Clutch drive 2-3 Mk 3 SAE 90
1978 to 1979 GFPC Forty Plus - Clutch drive 2-3 Mk 3 SAE 90
1979 to 1989 EFPC Forty/55 Plus - Clutch drive 2-3 Mk 3 SAE 90
1983 to 1984 AFPC 55   2-3 Mk 3 SAE 90
* Current production models (as of 1989?) Some of these models carried on till the early 1990's, the EFNR till the end in 1996.


Year Manufactured Engine Lettering Code Model Series HP Ignition Gear Oil
1956 to 1967 LLS Century 100 4 Mk 1 SAE 140
1967 to 1973 W Century 100 4 Mk 2 SAE 140
1957 to 1967 CP Century Plus - Fixed drive 4-4.5 Mk 1 SAE 140
1967 to 1969 CPC Century Plus - Clutch drive 4-4.5 Mk 2 SAE 140
1959 to 1967 WP Century Plus - Clutch drive 4-4.5 Mk 1 SAE 140
1967 to 1973 WPC Century Plus - Clutch drive 4-4.5 Mk 2 SAE 140


Year Manufactured Engine Lettering Code Model Series HP Ignition Gear Oil
1966 to 1969 S Silver Century   4.5 Mk 1 SAE 140
1969 to 1979 WS Silver Century   4.5 Mk 2 SAE 140
1978 to 1979 WSC Silver Century Clutch drive 4.5 Mk 2 SAE 90
1978 to * ESC Silver Century Clutch drive/ Model 75 4.5 Mk 3 SAE 90
1966 to 1969 SP Silver Century Plus - Clutch drive 4.5 Mk 1 SAE 140
1966 to 1969 SPC Silver Century Plus - Clutch drive 4.5 Mk 1 SAE 140
1969 to 1979 WSPC Silver Century Plus - Clutch drive 5 Mk 2 SAE 140
1979 to * ESPC Silver Century Plus - Clutch drive/ Model 80 4.5 Mk 2 SAE 90
1979 to * EFNR Silver Century Model 110/90 with Reverse 5 Mk 3 SAE 90
* Current production models (as of 1989?) Some of these models carried on till the early 1990's, the EFNR till the end in 1996.

There has been much argument about power output, these figures are as close to the claimed truth as I can make them! The real truth is the power heads produced a lot less, but the gearing gave the thrust equivalent to motors of the claimed power! See the note about the Trade's Description Act! John

Engine - Approx. Weights

Model Weight (lbs) Weight (Kilos)
Forty Featherweight/ 45 26 12
Forty Plus 28 13
Century 100 35 15
Century Plus/ Century Sliver Plus 38 17
Note: Weight based on 'dry weight' - tank dry, bracket stripped for carrying. Add approximately 4 pound for long shaft models.

Engine - Boat Type and Size Recommendations

HP Model Vessel Type/ Size
1-2 Forty Minus/ Forty Featherweight/ 45 This engine is for 6-9 foot dinghies with low transom and in the category 1-2 hp. An easy motor to handle.
2-3 Forty Plus/ 55/ 60/ The ideal engine for 10-14 foot dinghies, rowing boats and as stand by power for smaller sail boats. Can be seen on larger craft too, up to 18ft!
4 Century/ Century Plus/ 75/ Curlew/ As a second motor for a motorboat or on 14 to 19 foot heavy dinghies.
5 Century Silver/ 90/ Osprey Heavy work boats 14 to 19 feet, as an auxiliary for boats of 2 to 3 tons, full bodied boats, fishing boats, to 24 feet and as an auxiliary for boats 3 to five tons. This tonnage may be Thames, certainly not displacement!
6 Kingfisher Yachts up to about 24ft, standby on motorboats of similar size. Have seen used on 30 ft boats!

Engine - Fuel Mixture Ratios

Year Manufactured Ratio 1 gal. unleaded 2 gal. unleaded 5 gal. unleaded
1931 to 1978 10:1 12.8 oz. oil (3/4 pint) 25.6 oz. oil (1 & 1/2 pints) 64 oz. oil ( 3 & 3/4 pints)
1978 on (plus older converted models*) 25:1 5.12 oz. oil (1/3rd pint) 10.24 oz. oil (2/3rd pint) 25.6 oz. oil (1 &2.3 pint)
Roller bearing models ONLY (25:1 recommended) This model left the factory, with a 50:1 oil mix. It was lethal. Use 25:1 if yours has survived!
* Current production models (as of 1989?) Some of these models carried on till the early 1990's, the EFNR till the end in 1996.

In the very early years there were motors running on 8:1, 10:1 and even 16:1, as has been found on tank decals of these old motors. These are the 'oddballs' though, the vast majority of the 3 million motors made ran on 10:1 mix.

The following should be considered when determining the right fuel mixture ratio for your engine: (information reproduced from a 1991 service manual No. 27)

Grade of Oil to be used. Only use two stroke oil for outboards. It must be for outboards, not lawn mowers or chainsaw, motor bikes or snow cats! Use TCW 2 or 3 grade. This is important as the oil is designed to lubricate at the low temperatures that British Seagull run at..


All motors manufactured from January 1978 are designed to operate on a 25:1 petrol (gas)/oil ratio.

Motors manufactured from 1968 to January 1978 can satisfactorily use this ratio, providing the following modifications can be made. Prior to 1968 a shorter bearing was used in the crankcase and it is unsuitable for too lean an oil mix. See FAQ page! The Amal 2 jet needs the main jet changing to a No. 40. The Villiers needs a replacement needle, No.2, sadly these are no longer generally available..

August 06, I have 25:1 needles in stock again!! (they have now no number on them at all!)

See the FAQ page for other ways of reducing the oil mix on villiers carbs.

John Williams,