102 Props

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Collector Inspector
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102 Props

Post by Collector Inspector »

Gday mates

I have a few 102s early to later in my ever expanding outboard collection and the question is

"Why so many choices of Props" for these things?

Fans with different blades and diameters, two blade and three blade.......all with 102 marked on the castings.

Probably this question has been asked before?


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Post by rosbullterier »

Yes I have asked this question a few times.
I'm told there is no history or reason for the the large differences in style both to each other and any other more scientifically designed propeller.
After studying a propeller book it appears the greatest diameter at modest revs is best for the displacement hull.
Charles UK fancies the two blade raked prop which seems very reasonable - greater diameter in smaller space and less friction. It only produced froth for me.
The one I like, and appears to work well is the large non Plus three blade with the straight edge opposite the thrust.
A 102 which I've rebuilt with tidying up the internal casting and revs quite well drives a 6/7hp Mariner prop nicely from a 12/30 box . . .

Mind you, doesn't the prop need to turn the other way down under?
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102 props

Post by John@sos »

The earliest I guess is the 2 blade effort, but they went on to do different gearboxes and add clutches, so the props altered to suit.

Also the Hydrofan was introduced and replaced earlier less efficient models.

Bit of a minefield really as there was no list depicting all the props and models....

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