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Some swine insulted my Seagull this morning!

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:36 pm
by secretagentmole
Trying to track down some TC-W3 oil, phoned a chandlers in Ely, asked if they sold 2 stroke oil, yes they do.
TC-W3. no.
TC-W2. no.

Just ordinary 2 stroke oil like you use in chainsaws. But that is not right for my outboard, what outboard have you got? A Seagull. Well they were obsolete 50 years ago.

Yes numb nuts, but many modern outboards specify TC-W3 as they run cooler than a closed loop cooled 2 stroke engine or an air cooled engine. What?
Oh and by the way Seagulls were made up to 1997 so they were hardly obsolete 50 years ago, just because you cannot understand simplicity!

Well I do not want my plug to foul so I want the right Marine specification oil. Something you do not sell. In fact you are telling people they can use the wrong specification 2 stroke oil in their outboards. This does leave you liable to prosecution if someone dies because you have sold them the wrong oil.

Won't be shopping there again!

Re: Some swine insulted my Seagull this morning!

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 6:58 am
by tambikeboy
:lol: :lol: bring back hanging :lol: