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Seagulls and grandson

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:54 am
by Grumpy
My grandson (12) has absolutely no idea what a seagull outboard is or its history.
His father runs a 115hp yamaha so no more on that score.
Anyway, walking up my daughters driveway , with the grandson we stop and discuss his 2 cute guinea pigs, fat and rosy, in their cage.
His question" grandad, if my guinea pigs are about 5 years old what does that mean in human years?"
I reply" I do not exactly know, but as they have a limited life span , it must be around my age or maybe even older."
His reply, to end our conversation and my story here so you can go back to seagull matters,"They certainly look a lot better than you."
Reckon though that they could look older when and if they end up as live bait on one of my rods.