Bermuda 2022 Round the Island Seagull Race

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Charles uk
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Bermuda 2022 Round the Island Seagull Race

Post by Charles uk »

Come on it's been another quiet year, but please let us know how the race went, with some pictures!

Here's the official mail I received,

Martine E Purssell
To:you (BCC) + 1 more Details
Dear all

The race was run yesterday – despite the weather gods laughing at us and making the rain date – a true rain date – 0.8” of rain fell yesterday – most of it during the day as a front sent squalls through and made south shore even rougher than was anticipated.

We lost 7 boats due to the race date change and then as a result of the forecast weather we had several boats who let me know they would not be racing and then finally there were a few who let me know that their seagull engine was not cooperating – so could not race. A combined total of 14 boats that we knew would not be racing.

Of the 43 boats remaining – we had 6 boats that did not show – 14 boats broke down – 2 boats arrived back at the club but took a short cut so did not complete. So half the fleet made it home safe. Cold/wet – but safe.

Amazingly enough – a record was broken – Class F Unlimited – Original seagull engine with a pipe – In Loving Memory driven by Kenny Matthie and crewed by Danielle Lightbourn – they broke the previous record of 2 hours 16 mins held by James Anfossi’s Win Race by 4 minutes. The new record is 2 hours 12 mins. As they had set off early – they decided that they should try and break their own record just set!!! So – they set off again!!! They almost made it around the island twice – but broke down on North Shore.

It was sad to see that some boats broke down on North Shore. After running the gauntlet of South Shore safely – there were a few that had engine issues and did not finish – apparently James and Adrianna Anfossi broke down 15 minutes from the finish line.

I have to mention Spencer Wood and Robert Pantry – they won the best dressed captain and crew prize. They donned wigs, multi coloured clothes and sunglasses (not exactly sure whether they were 1980’s or before) and went off in the rain boogying to their shoulder held boom box!!! Everyone could hear it over the noise of the engines – so at least they had music!!!

We also had at least 3 sets of young newbies to the race – Samantha and Robin Stempel (who broke down on North Shore); Owen DeCosta and Christian Rogue; Jaden Kowalchuk and Callum. The latter two sets of people completed the race. So well done to you all for braving the weather for your first attempt at seagulling round the island. I hope to see you all out there next year.

As always I have to thank everyone who makes this race happen –

Heineken and Burrows Lightbourn for their continued sponsorship and support and prizes

Rubis for donating 10 $45 fuel gift certificates to our crashboats

The Crash Boats themselves!!!! Without you – we could not run the race – so we thank you for your support which enables us to donate to a charity – this year Bermuda Sloop Foundation. And a special thank you to the crash boat captain – Jonny White who added names to our usual list – thank you all.

Wilks Catering for providing such a great meal at the end of the day.

All the other businesses who donate gift certificates which get given out as prizes – this year we need to thank:

RedLaser, C Mart, Marine Locker, PW’s Marine, Miles Market, Lindos, Serpentine Liquors, Rowe Spurling, Makin Waves, Port O Call, Bolero and Geoffrey Redmond for making some beachtowels with our shirt design on it to be given out as prizes.

The RISR Committee works hard to try and make the race safe for everyone so that you can have fun and continue the seagullian traditions

I haven’t done the final count for my last deposit – but I hope to donate $4-$5,000 to the Bermuda Sloop Foundation – so all of you – thank you for helping us make this donation.

SAVE THE DATE – Put it in your calendars – June 17th 2023 – rain date June 24th 2023. Venue will be Spanish Point Boat Club if they are not booked….

I still have shirts for sale – so if you want to call me at 5381220 – we can arrange purchases…. There are also a couple of people who need shirts from their signup – if you want them – please contact me before I run out of sizes….

All the best
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Re: Bermuda 2022 Round the Island Seagull Race

Post by Journeyman »

Thanks for the report, good reading.
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Re: Bermuda 2022 Round the Island Seagull Race

Post by Paskoya »

The weather was certainly less than cooperative this year – we had some intense rain squalls moving across the island throughout the day, and south shore proved to be quite a challenge for everyone with rather unpleasant chop making it a wet and bumpy passage. Even the conditions on north shore deteriorated throughout the day, becoming gusty by midafternoon.

I've attached some photos below:
Ominous clouds off south shore!
Ominous clouds off south shore!
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The '5R' of many colours
The '5R' of many colours
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Re: Bermuda 2022 Round the Island Seagull Race

Post by Paskoya »

More photos:
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Re: Bermuda 2022 Round the Island Seagull Race

Post by Paskoya »

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Charles uk
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Re: Bermuda 2022 Round the Island Seagull Race

Post by Charles uk »

Like the name of number 33, there's another nearly 35 boats where are they ?

It's good to see how much you cherish keeping your Seagulls original!

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Re: Bermuda 2022 Round the Island Seagull Race

Post by Paskoya »

Haven't been able to get a whole lot of photos taken by others, and I did miss quite a few boats as my camera was not particularly pleased to be out in the rain!

But there are some good photos and videos that can be seen on the Bermuda Seagull Racing facebook page at (which you should be able to view without logging in or requiring an account)

Area 51's finest
Area 51's finest
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Twin motors means double the trouble
Twin motors means double the trouble
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Raincoats fa what?
Raincoats fa what?
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