Essex Flocking of Seagulls!

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Re: Essex Flocking of Seagulls!

Post by Collector Inspector »

"On the mist covered waters of the Crouch (ok, 2 stroke smoked waters) the small fleet returned after its successful outing today."

Well, I have always been a believer, with two strokes, that when flat out, there should be just a tad of blue smoke?

I mean, REALLY LOOKING for it way behind............

Religiously adhering to 10:1 may be a mistake looking at the previous pic.

Every engine combination is different whether a Seagull, Anzani, Muncie or an Elto so perhaps some mix adjustments prove to be in order for individuals yeh?

Flat out a slight noticeable smoke trail is all you need which just proves oiling at the end of the day. If your plug is running rich attend to that by a minor jet adjustment or go progressively hotter with your spark plug.

The smoke trail/bubbles/smoke/colour should be by the engine builder not nec the skipper. Incremental reduction of oil to the gallon until that achieved and wow, what a noticeable power difference.

You lot should play more, not just turn up for a day out yeh?

Just a thought.

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Re: Essex Flocking of Seagulls!

Post by Horsley-Anarak »

I am sure you use green text Bruce, because you are half a world away and not in the thick of it in deepest Essex :mrgreen:

H-A :)
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Re: Essex Flocking of Seagulls!

Post by outboard »

Great pics, who are the guys in the pics, faces to names would be nice. I see there was an inflatable, wish I could've been their.
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Re: Essex Flocking of Seagulls!

Post by Horsley-Anarak »

Loads of rubber boats.

I am not in any of the pictures so far.

Maybe I was too far out of shot :wink:

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Re: Essex Flocking of Seagulls!

Post by Keith.P »

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Re: Essex Flocking of Seagulls!

Post by rosbullterier »

That poor beardy chap - he obviously is in complete shock!

I really think a club fund raising venture to get him a bigger boat would be the right spirit!
He must have been given it from a kiddies park, and you can from his face it's much too tight. All you self satisfied sailors wallowing on your luxury ribs and yachts - have a heart maties - its probably only got a toy engine, well he has painted it blue - I hear its little plastic propeller fell off . . .
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Re: Essex Flocking of Seagulls!

Post by Keith.P »

I'm not going to say a word.
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Re: Essex Flocking of Seagulls!

Post by Rob Ripley »

...'I'm not going to say a word.'...

They say a picture is worth a thousand words
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Re: Essex Flocking of Seagulls!

Post by Charles uk »


Thank you all for your heart felt condolences,
it has really helped me overcome, the grief and sense of loss.
Thank you once again, it's at a time like this, knowing that friends have tears in their eyes sharing my moment of sadness, & that the kinder richer ones are offering financial assistance to buy me a bigger boat.

It's only after they're gone do you realise how much the plastic, round & round bit ment to you, & how my life lost it's direction as soon as it was taken.
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Re: Essex Flocking of Seagulls!

Post by Rob Ripley »

So, it just fell off, Eh?

Well, you can't have any off mine !!!
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Re: Essex Flocking of Seagulls!

Post by John@sos »

Hi all,

Very pleased to say the weather was fine and I did not get wet in the Grandsons little 9' 6" dinghy, would have been a different matter if there was a chop!

Pleased to see no pics of me enveloped in steam, as yet..... Though it looked bad, the motor stayed the course and did not overheat.
On stripping yesterday, after my back flushing trick did not improve matters, I found a large lump of matted goo in the head...?

Turned out the joint plate had disintergrated and part had been pumped up into the head.. as all channels perfectly clear.. I will publish some pics on the main site later,) the only place it could get stuck was the last passage way to the outlet. Fortunately this late TSEFPC has water injected into the exhaust, thus she carried on.. So another reason we may get water blockages, in 20 year I had never come across this one, and for it to happen when we were 'host boat' embarassing!

2 hours, on Sunday, a head gasket RTV and a joint plate later and all well again. However I did modify the exhaust injection... Instead of a simple 5 mm hole, I have now squeezed in a length of small bore copper pipe, 4" long, to keep the water away from the exhaust port, there were signs the water was trying to gert back into the cylinder...... pics on the site soon...

See how that gets on in future.

Next year, for I hope to do this again, I will bring a larger boat! (and a bigger motor!)

Charles impressive turn of speed in the yellow peril added an extra element, whilst it lasted.. Only his mishap kept the water baliff away I suspect!

Very good to meet you all, I now have faces to a lot of the names on here, Pizey, 40TPI, HA, Timberman, TRW999, as well as meeting up with our Dutch friends Jan and Martin, Tim, Greg and Alfie Wilkes (3 generations!) Even my sister and brother in law turned out, that's them in the white GP14, Sue and Keith, Rick and Charles of course and all the crews, William, Colin, Richard and Tim.! 11 boats and a fun day! Even got the pint at Battlesbridge!

My insistence at leaving on the tide was not fully understood, till we sett off back, and all realised the speed the top end drained! It is like the plug is pulled... 2 knots 1/2 hour after HW! The Bridge Limbo could become a new olympic sport!

We just got back and all ashore without getting up to knees in mud at the bottom of slip, good timing, if I do say it myself!

Apart from Charles's expensive loss of prop all managed the run in a very laid back and seamanlike way, Dressing up as well next year then!

Thanks to North Fambridge Yacht Station for allowing the use of facilities and waiving launching fees! I will write to thank them and get a bit in the local rag to publise the place, maybe they will let us back!

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Re: Essex Flocking of Seagulls!

Post by trw999 »

I, my son and grandson had a really enjoyable day. The weather started so well but ended up overcast mostly.

My son shot some video footage, which is on YouTube. It took a while for him to get used to the camera though! Here is the link:

My 1967 Minus behaved well all day. It took a few turns to get it started as it had been five years since it last did so. The old Champion 8 Com still did a good job. We even managed to tow one of the larger vessels when it's SD needed a breather. There were four inflatables out, two with our Dutch visitors, ours and Nigel's. Nigel bought his charming wife and his excellent dog. You will see the sea hound on the video! In a quiet moment Nigel told me he had just short of 40 old outboards stashed away at home. Near the end of the video, you will notice a rather smokey engine. It lasted all day. Guess who it belonged to though!

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Re: Essex Flocking of Seagulls!

Post by Rob Ripley »

....... However I did modify the exhaust injection... Instead of a simple 5 mm hole, I have now squeezed in a length of small bore copper pipe, 4" long, to keep the water away from the exhaust port, there were signs the water was trying to gert back into the cylinder...... pics on the site soon...

Yes, that's what I did, first to a spare head and then to my Century 100. The pipe I fitted was 200mm long and flared on the end to (in theory) produce a spray.

Can't really say it did anything.
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Re: Essex Flocking of Seagulls!

Post by Charles uk »

Thanks for the kind offer Rob I think I'm just about allright for props.

This is not counting probably all the rest of my motors that are wearing their props, well all except 1!

The only one I'm aware that I don't have is the 13 inch 4 blade 102 + Barge pusher.
props mine 002.jpg
props mine 001.jpg
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Re: Essex Flocking of Seagulls!

Post by rosbullterier »

Ahah - well I've got one of those . . .

(huge cloverleaf)
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