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Adrian Dale
Posts: 758
Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:58 am
Location: Tasmania, Australia

Re: Next question

Post by Adrian Dale »

Re annealing a copper gasket, I find the best method is to heat a fire brick to cherry red. The brick will hold its temperature for a long time and provides the perfect base to place the gasket on. I do not touch the gasket with the flame as they can be very sensitive and if you are not really carful they are easy to blow a hole in. When the gasket is cherry red, remove the heat from the brick. the residual heat will slowly dissipate and the annealing is complete.
I use this method for all copper washers and other small item that require either annealing or soldering.

having said that I nerve reuse a head gasket; John at SOS can post over night so in the UK its a phone call away.

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